Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yesterday, I blogged about folks who wear perpetual frowns versus those who seem to always have a smile hidden just off stage.  Today, I flew from California to Florida, and let me tell you, I cam across plenty of odd folks.  There were those who were utterly clueless about flying—the etiquette, how to go through the security points, how to check in, etc.  Then there were those who were beyond grouchy to the point of downright bitchy. 
One of those was a woman who sat beside my husband and me on our connecting flight. From the second she approached our seat and spied the woman in front of her placing a bag in the overhead bin, the woman went on the offensive, barking at the flight attendant that she was certain that other woman’s bag wouldn’t fit, and that she wanted her briefcase to go there instead.  The flight attendant was polite when she demonstrated the bag did fit.  But our seat companion wasn’t done complaining, dripping out her negative venom for another full minute.
Later, when I got up to use the restroom, I handed my husband my Starbuck’s iced coffee, complete with a lid, to hold.  He carefully placed it on the seat between the woman and himself.  The woman, huffed the second his hand came away from it, slammed down my laptop tray and angrily put my coffee atop it, stating, “There, that’s were it won’t spill!”
Well, alrighty then!
On the first leg of our journey, we had a lengthy flight, made excruciatingly long by a couple with one-year-old twins who hadn’t a clue how to contain, much less appease their children.  As a result, both children screamed and screeched for the full five laborious hours we spent together.
Oh, boy!
By the time my husband and I got off our final flight, arriving in Florida, we hoped that the driver who was to meet us would be civil and nice.  Thankfully, he was.  We loaded in his car and as the miles slipped away, delivering us closer to our destination, so, too, did the unpleasantness that had engulfed us for twelve long hours.
Despite all the odd individuals we encountered, I didn’t let them dampen my spirit or dull the enthusiasm I had for being able to travel with my husband for a get away.  I only hope that the grouchiness those individuals displayed dissipated at some point, allowing them to better appreciate their day.

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