Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The expressions people don.
Ever notice how some people seem to have a permanent scowl on their face?  How they look as if they’ve been frowning their entire life?  I find myself studying those individuals.  I watch the way they interact with others, trying to catch a glimpse of them smiling…if only for a brief moment or two.  And yet, I never do, see them smiling that is.  These individuals come across as sad to me. 
Then there are those whose faces seem to be caught in a forever half smile.  Their eyes twinkle with the promise of a grin about to break forth.  The edges of their eyes crease ever so slightly, foretelling of all the happy times they’ve had.  The corners of their mouths are slightly uplifted as if they’re trying to repress a smile but not quite succeeding.  I study these individuals with the greatest interest, delighting at how they break into laughter or their faces light into brilliant smiles with the greatest of ease.  I can’t help but delight in how happy these individuals seem.
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been fascinated with whether a person’s face depicted a permanent frown or hint of a smile about to break forth.  My heart aches for those who don forever frowns, for I wonder how many thousands of hours of frowning and deep sorrow caused that expression on their faces.  Likewise, my heart sings for those whose faces glow with promised smiles.
Although I’ve had my share of deep sorrows and trials in my life, I hope my face depicts the smile that’s most often in my heart—the one that just has to break out.

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