Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I’m not a person who’s prone to jealousy, envy or one who is easily offended.  Where some are put off by the differences amongst others, I find them intriguing.  I like how not everyone gets along.  How some are more inclined to “click” with others.  I think this makes life more interesting. 

If everyone got along, then we’d probably all be quite similar.  Where’s the fun in that?  I find it much more intriguing to mingle amongst many, maintaining an open mind, never knowing when my path might cross with someone whom I share many similarities.

I don’t actively seek out new friends.  Rather, I like to happen upon them sort of by chance.  It’s like the old saying that if you go looking for love, you’ll never find it.  I feel the same holds true in all relationships.  Why?  Because if you’ve set your eyes on finding one specific thing, then you’re somewhat blinded to other possibilities that may be better suited to you.

This is another reason I don’t play the jealousy or envy game or allow myself to be easily offended.  Really, I don’t see the point in any of those behaviors.  To me, they cast a negative vibe on things and block potential opportunities that might otherwise come my way.  I let a lot of things roll off my back, instead of getting caught up in their drama.  By doing so, I find life’s easier to handle, I’m more at peace and I emit an energy that attracts rather than repels others.

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