Thursday, June 10, 2011

There are times when life is super cruel. 
A photographer friend of mine flew in from Spain on Wednesday to do a photo shoot.  He was able to do the job that night.  After, he planned to spend a week here, sightseeing.  But then on Thursday, he was in a car accident.
As a result, he spent time in the hospital.  He was diagnosed with a sprained knee and is now on crutches.  Knee injuries are the worst!  The pain is so bad, that my friend is seriously considering flying home tomorrow—Friday.  What a shame to have flown all this way, been able to get his work done and be looking forward to some fun only to have fate step in.  It would be so sad if my friend has to fly home early. 
After the photo shoot Wednesday night, another friend and I offered suggestions of places for our photographer friend to visit while in California.  Appreciative of our suggestions, he was really looking forward to a nice line up of places to see while here.
But it would appear that fate has other plans for my friend….  I’m hoping things will turn around for him over night.  That the pain will subside enough for him to be able to stay as planned.  Also…that would give the sprain some time to heal so it won’t be quite so uncomfortable on the long flight when he does return home.
Here’s hoping….

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