Monday, June 20, 2011

Sometimes, I find myself resistant to learn. Not that I don’t appreciate gaining higher knowledge and adopting greater skills. I do. It’s just that at times, especially when faced with having to absorb new information and then translate that into demonstrating what I have learned…in front of others, an odd shyness comes out in me.

Normally, I’m super outgoing. But when faced with this dilemma, I tend to second-guess my abilities. As one who strives to always do my best, the possibility that my best might not measure up embarrasses me.

I find this odd, seeing as I’m not one who allows my actions to be guided by what others think. But then, I do thrive, knowing that I handle myself in a manner that garners the respect of others. So perhaps that’s what I’m most fearful of—losing the respect of others should I attempt something new and fail.
So how do I go about getting over this? Well, seeing as I’m one who thirsts for being pushed, I suppose a good approach would be to embrace whatever it is I’m faced with, setting aside all thoughts that I might not succeed.

According to my own standards, no one ever fails if they at least try. True, one may not rise to the level they had hoped for, but then, perhaps they set their hopes at unrealistic levels. Maybe a better approach would be to accept our human qualities, the fact that we may well fall short of our goals and try our hardest, unconcerned with if others like our attempt or not.

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