Saturday, June 11, 2011

An update on my blog from two days ago.  My Spanish photographer friend who flew in from Spain for a photo shoot and was in a car accident the following day is still here in the US. 
Though he was bed-ridden and had to await a doctor to come and check him yesterday, he is feeling much better today.  He’s been placed in a leg brace for his sprained knee but is cleared to get up and do things, as he is comfortable.  To celebrate, a couple of photographer friends of mine and I will go out with our injured friend tonight. 
I’m so grateful that the doctor has allowed my Spanish photographer friend to stay for a bit in the US.  I was afraid that if he’d had to get on a long international plane flight with his sprained knee, unable to hold it in the necessary bent position to sit on a plane, he would have had a miserable flight home.  I know.  Have suffered with knee injuries and international flights myself.  And frankly, they stink!
But now, with my friend being granted extra time to stay here in the US to visit, he is also buying time for his knee to heal a bit more and for the swelling to go down.  He’ll be here for another week before heading back to Spain to have it checked there by his own doctor.  In the meantime, we’ll keep him company and show him Southern Californian sites. 

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