Saturday, June 25, 2011

I frequently blog about friends.  Why?  Because, I believe having them in my life makes it much richer than it would be without them.  I also blog about how we help one another by supporting the other when needed. 
Mine have been doing that for me lately, really rising to the occasion last night.  Though we don’t keep tabs on who helps whom, how often or by what means, we do keep our eyes open for opportunities to repay acts of kindness that have been directed towards us.  Usually, there’s a little lag time between when a friend super supports us and when we can return the favor.
Last night, I went to support some of my friends who were doing a stage performance.  They’re skilled, and I knew they’d do fine, but I felt the overwhelming need to be there for them.  Their show began, and I immediately noticed that both were nervous and that as a result, they weren’t quite hitting their marks.  My heart went out to them, and I tried to send good energy vibes towards them.
At the intermission, they came over to greet and thank me for coming to watch them.  I told them I wouldn’t have missed it.  Then we spoke about the technical aspects of their show and how each was a bit off their timing and marks.  The more we talked, the more relaxed my friends became.  By the time they went back on stage, they were their normal confident selves and were able to make it through the rest of their performance without a hitch. 
Did something I say help them?  Was my presence enough to smooth their nerves?  Did their regained confidence have nothing to do with me being there to support them?  I won’t know for sure until I get a chance to talk with them later tonight.  But one thing I do know.  If I had been up there with my nerves hindering my performance, I would have been beyond grateful to see a friend sitting in the audience, there to support me, cheer me on and help calm me during the intermission.  After all, that’s what friends do—they follow their heart to support one another in any way they can.

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