Thursday, June 17, 2011

A friend of mine recently said, “It helps to know how much people care about and believe in you.”  I couldn’t agree more! 
To me, supportive comments are the loving hands that shore us up from behind, offering the strength we need to progress.  Without them, we may be able to carry forth, but the effort required is monumental.  But with encouragement from those around us, our burdens seem less cumbersome.
Added to this, I’m a firm believer that folks need to be made aware when they have positively impacted the lives of another.  So often, we go through our daily grind unaware that some small thing we did, said or shared had a positive impact on another. 
Why is it that many folks are quick point out faults but when faced with something good another has done to/for them, they remain silent, as if it’s some big secret?  I’ve never been a fan of this mentality.  Instead, I make it a point to let folks know whenever they’ve done something that’s had a positive influence on me.  After all, I not only want to reward their effort by acknowledging their deed, but I believe that the best way to respect someone is to honor their actions.  And what better way than to give thanks where thanks are due?
I appreciate and consume every supportive word said to me.  They serve as my emotional nutrients.  Likewise, I imagine folks like to hear similar accolades.  Whenever I’ve issued praise to someone, they’ve been grateful.  Some have been a little surprised, not used to having positive feedback.  But all are appreciative.
We’re human.  A characteristic of being such is that we thrive off of recognition, acceptance, affection and positive feedback.  So, in the words of my friend, “It helps to know how much people care about and believe in you.”

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