Friday, March 11, 2011


This has been one of those weeks. You know the kind, the ones that keep you on your toes each and every day, wondering, yet trying to avoid asking, what might happen next. So, when I awoke this morning, I was thrilled it was Friday. But…that excitement lasted all of about five minutes before I was made aware of the impending tsunami.

A tsunami? Really? Are you kidding? Here? Now? Today? What the heck!

Normally, I’m the type that heads straight for the coffee pot upon waking. I don’t make detours on my way there, and if there are obstacles in my path, I either push them aside or roll over them, intent on my goal—coffee. But…today’s little wake up call did the unthinkable. It actually derailed my mind from thinking of a nice soothing mug of coffee as I sat and watched the news, images from the tsunami first touching down in Japan filling the screen and forcing my mind wide awake.

So, like many others, I kept a keen ear open to the news and predicted path of the tsunami. I knew I wouldn’t end up with sudden beachfront property—too far inland. But I have countless friends and family who do live close enough to the shore that would have been affected, not the least of which is my oldest son. So my anxiety level was raised.

By mid morning, though I was thrilled to learn that the tsunami had deviated from its original path, sparing us on the west coast, my heart went out to those who had been affected and were still in the intended path.

Waking up this morning to the news of the tsunami felt a lot like years back when I awoke to the watch the horrific Challenger explosion and then a number of years later to the Twin Towers disaster. All these events got my mind working on hyper high alert in less than a blink. But I’ve got to admit, personally, I prefer waking at a little slower pace, a nice hot mug of coffee in my hand—without it trembling. So…tomorrow, I’m hoping for a little calmer awakening.

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