Tuesday, March 22, 2011

There are countless challenges we must all get through, and at the root of our success is endurance. Whether it is tragedy, rejection, heartache, illness or catastrophic act of God, the human spirit has within it the ability to overcome. Of course, having said that, there will be those who are quick to argue that not everyone has the staying power needed to make it through all things. And frankly, all I have to say to that is…bull!

The human spirit is what each of us makes our own to be. If it’s strong, then that’s because the individual put in the effort required to dig deep to find the single grain of intestinal fortitude that they could build upon until they had what was needed to make it through. Those whose spirits are weak, in my opinion, got waylaid somewhere along their path to discovering their own inner strength. That could be due to a variety of reasons, not the least of which was that they just plain gave up.

Let’s look at it another way.

Think of the person who fights hard to lose weight and continues to go through the necessary motions to keep the weight off. That doesn’t just happen. No. Instead, the ability for a person to shed unwanted pounds to get, and then remain, in shape requires gut-wrenching, back-breaking, sweat-filled countless hours, days, months and years of extreme self-discipline. If at any point along their journey the person slacks off, relies on others, or seeks a “quick fix,” then their efforts ring false and the results can be quickly seen.

Building one’s human spirit to the strongest it can be requires the same amount of dedication, determination and die-hard mentality as the person who wants to lose weight and get in shape. Can everyone do it? In my humble opinion, yes! Will everyone have what it takes to follow through? Absolutely not! But…that doesn’t mean that those who fail didn’t have success within their grasp, only that they were unwilling or able to carry through with the task of endurance.

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