Saturday, March 5, 2011

I wonder what it is about a bright sunny day that makes me soooo happy. I’ve always been this way. Not that I don’t enjoy a cold rainy day. I do, so long as I’m curled up all warm and toasty inside and don’t have to go out in it. But sunny days…man, those make my heart sing!

I honestly think I could live where it was sunny every single day of the year and be quite content. Wouldn’t need a rainy day here or there to let me appreciate how good things were. I’d be able to discern that from gazing up at the sky, picking out cloud formations and registering all the various hues of blues that meld perfectly to create that “perfect” sky.

For me, a day of sunshine is like a reenergizing blast that allows me to carry on. Ironically, it’s exactly the opposite for some, well, three of my four, kids who much prefer grey skies to crystal blue ones.

No deep meaning to today’s blog. Just thought I’d toss out what was on my mind and express how grateful I am to be celebrating such a grand day full of sunshine!

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