Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ah, the joys of flying….

I headed to the airport today, mindful of what I was wearing, you know, to make the whole gotta strip off your shoes, etc, at the security checkpoint thing go more smoothly.

Apparently, the TSAs didn’t like the way I looked, and invited, well…not that I really had a choice, me to step into their full body scan machine.

I feel so special!

The machine scanned me while I stood there, my hands upon my head, as my briefcase, etc, went through their own x-ray machine. Then I got to stand in front of a woman who told me to keep an eye on my belongings while she waited to get clearance that my scan had gone okay.

Like they’d actually let me move to intervene if anyone tried to take my stuff. Riiiiight.

So, standing there, hoping my scan “turned out okay” (whatever the heck that means), I watched my belongings roll out of the x-ray machine. Then the woman spoke in a hushed tone into her radio. What she said, I had to reprocess a couple of times, unable to believe that she was referring to me. She said, “Okay, cocky has cleared.”

What?! Cocky? Cocky! How could I have been considered cocky when all I’d done was to be pleasant to her, smile and do as asked without attitude?

Turning to look at her, I gave her a look that implied, are you for real. She looked me in the eye, shrugged and told me I could go.

Oh, what fun!

Texting with my girlfriend a short time later, we shared how both our flights were delayed. Then I mentioned my total body scan and how it had turned out okay. She chuckled at my being referred to as cocky, since she knows me well enough to know that isn’t true. Then she said her trip had begun equally well with a full body pat down, the TSA spending an inordinate amount of time on her ample breasts.


We both had a good laugh at how our weekend getaway has begun while commenting on the joys of traveling by air these days. Wonder what the rest of today will reveal?

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