Thursday, March 24, 2011

Earlier, I was looking though some quotes, many of which I’ve posted here. Sometimes I find myself doing so as a means to reconnect with where I’ve been—those things that stood out to me at a specific time, wondering if they will still have the same affect on me as when I first read them.

One does, a quote I posted almost a year ago by Thomas S. Monson. It states, "Exemplify in your lives four tested, specific virtues: an attitude of gratitude, a longing for learning, a devotion to discipline, and a willingness to work."

It’s not surprising that this particular quote strikes the same chord in me as it first did, for these are the standards by which I live. Or, at least, they’re the ones I aim to live by. I don’t always make my mark. After all, I am human. But I endeavor to meet them or come as close as I can.

Take a moment, if you will, to imagine a world where most people would put into practice these words by Thomas S. Monson. Can you see it? I can, and wow, what a great place that would be! We can make it a reality, ya know. All it takes is for each of us to make the effort.

Who’s game to try?

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