Thursday, March 3, 2011

There are times in life, many, in fact, where our patience is tested. This week, for example, I’ve had to call in each night to see if I have to report to the court the following morning for jury duty. Not knowing if or when I’d have to go in, I did my best to clear my slate of obligations for the week, getting done all that I could each day when I’d learn that I wouldn’t have to go in the next.

But, my luck ran out, and I now have to report to the court early tomorrow morning. I won’t bother to go into the semantics of how jury service can turn a juror’s life upside down. Most of us have been there and can understand. But what I don’t appreciate is that now, having made this week clear so I could serve but then not having to go in until tomorrow, the judge will more than likely order all of us to return again the following week.

More and more, this is a pattern I’ve heard of. So really, instead of jurors having to prepare for serving for one week, it’s more likely to be two. But then, one just never knows. They could be called in the very first day.

It’s not that I don’t believe in the legal system. I do. I also find the whole process, counter to my own life, an intriguing one—a rare glimpse into what actually goes on inside a courtroom, not what television and the movies would have us believe. So, does this mean I’ll report for duty tomorrow with a sour attitude? One that’s dripping resentment? Absolutely not.

In my way of thinking, every delay is there for a reason, which may not be clear, nor need it be, at the time. And that’s fine. This, as with many other situations, is not one where I can force my will to have things go my way, nor am I inclined to, for I believe this—my now having to report for what may be a longer time than I had been led to believe—is all part of a bigger picture.

Really, from here on out, going with the flow becomes rather effortless, leastwise for me. For I know that although, yes, this added time will create more challenges with my busy schedule, I’ll grow from the process, if I allow myself to. But if I report to the court tomorrow with a nasty attitude and a begrudging demeanor, then I’ll get in the way of what might need to be revealed to me so I can grow.

So, I’ll get as much done tonight as possible, pull an extra long night tomorrow and know that somehow things will all work out.

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