Friday, March 25, 2011

I find it interesting, fascinating, in fact—human nature. Does anyone else find it incredible that folks actually ever manage to connect with other like-minded individuals who so closely mirror their own thoughts as to have it be a seamless fit? Or how about the likelihood of those individuals managing to find one another in the first place? Talk about the proverbial needle in the haystack….

Okay, so individuals somehow, against seemingly astronomical odds, manage to find one another. All are happy and content. The relationship blossoms into a thing of beauty. But then….

One day, sooner or later, fate steps in, and there’s some sort of misunderstanding. Feelings get hurt. One interprets the wrong meaning from the other’s actions or lack-there-of. So what then?

Well, emotions can run high. Lashing out can occur. But…if both parties pause long enough to take a deep breath, tempers can be calmed and rational reasoning can be resumed, allowing those involved to see things as they really are, rather than how they may have been perceived.

By the individuals taking the time to think things through and communicate, the relationship can be spared—made stronger, in fact.

At the base root is human nature. If it hadn’t been for human nature, the individuals wouldn’t have been drawn to one another in the first place. Had human nature not interceded, there probably wouldn’t have been a misunderstanding that occurred. And if it hadn’t been for human nature needing to preserve the gift of that relationship, then the individuals wouldn’t have taken the steps necessary to work things out in a calm rational manner that allowed things to resume their healthy course.

Human nature…it’s pretty darn magical the way it works!

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