Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blogging yesterday about the mud runs I compete in and then answering questions folks asked about them got me itching to begin racing again.

I took last year off from racing—all racing—for two reasons. I suffered a serious injury to my foot in early 2009 when I had a really bad fall down a steep mountain. That foot injury came to full fruition and threatened to have me undergo surgery by the end of 2009. So, based on that and my need to devote time to promoting my books that were released in 2010, I opted to give my body a break and let it try to heal on its own, something that was quite impossible with the race schedule of at least two races every month that I had maintained.

Then, I went in for surgery, not related to my foot, which had healed by then, at the end of 2010. Since then, I have fought hard to resume my mileage and keep in shape as my body has been healing. Now, I’m back to putting in thirty-eight miles per week. Currently, I train seven days a week nine times per week. I’m hoping, with everything in me, that I will be cleared to begin racing again when the mud run competition season begins in a few months.

Until then, I’ll continue putting in my miles and strengthening my body to what it was prior to my surgery, all the while craving with a passion being able to once again “play” in the mud.

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