Sunday, March 27, 2011

Natural rhythm and flow….

To all things, there is a natural order—the way things are meant to play out. Not that the outcome can’t be influenced, but attempting to intercede and force one’s will on something may make things more complicated. Likewise, sitting back and doing nothing isn’t good either. And then there’s the biggie, allowing one’s pride to get in the way.

I spend a lot of time blogging about positive mindsets and striving to better one’s self. A big part of those, in my humble opinion, is working at maintaining relationships. Some need little work. Still others require constant fine-tuning to keep everything running smooth. Even then, there are bound to be times when misunderstandings occur.

This is all part of the natural scheme of things. How we opt to handle these difficulties when they arise will determine the ultimate outcome of the relationship. If we attempt to force our own will, taking little or nothing into consideration about the other person’s feelings/needs, then the relationship is doomed. If, on the other hand, we do nothing, then it’s fate is also sealed. And lastly, if we allow our stubborn pride to get in the way of our stepping up and at least trying to work things out, then the relationship has nowhere to go but to implode.

Good communication, self-discipline and patience are all factors that I believe play integral parts in helping things run smoothly on their intended course. If something upsets you, no positive end will result by your ignoring it or passive-aggressively lashing out at the other person, instead, calm, cool and collected communication is in order. Self-discipline allows us to push our egos aside long enough to take an objective look at the situation and use constructive means to salvage the relationship. Patience is what makes it possible for individuals to seemingly sit back and so nothing, when in reality, they are doing anything but. Patience is what allows us to know that by using fine-tuning skills rather than jarring adjustments, a relationship can be nurtured to the point of its highest potential.

It all boils down to this—there is a natural rhythm and flow to things, relationships being not immune. Remembering this allows the skills of good communication, self-discipline and patience to kick into high gear, smoothing over the rough spots in less-than-desirable times, which will ultimately maintain a natural rhythm and flow to things

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