Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yesterday I blogged about how authors are collectively a supportive group. Since then, I’ve pondered that quite a bit.
As a rule, writing is a solitary career. Oh, sure, there are those who go into an office daily where they do get to interact with others, but that’s not how they write. Sure, their interactions with others help to fuel the creative writing process, but the writing, the actual act of getting down a writer’s thoughts on paper…that in itself is solitary.
As such, I believe writers need to be in tuned with themselves, for if they’re not, then how could they ever hope to generate written words that will seem worthwhile? If a writer isn’t in tuned with himself or herself, then how will they convey to others the thoughts that parade around their heads in a cohesive manner that will inspire? Stimulate? Make a difference?
It’s my opinion that a writer, needing to be in tuned with their inner thoughts on such a personal level, is what makes them inclined to reach out to other writers. The reason behind this theory is that they know just how challenging it can be to not only put thought to paper in a comprehensive manner but are also keenly aware of how improbable it is to then get those thoughts, stories, articles, etc into the hands of those who will market them to the masses.
So far, this is where my pondering of this topic has led me. Who knows…perhaps tomorrow will shed more enlightenment….

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