Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today was one of those days I love—the kind where at some point during the day, I ignore something on my to-do list in favor of something better.
Every week, my son and I go on a weekly date. Did so yesterday and had a pleasant time. But some weeks, this son just wants/needs to spend more quality time with me. Today was one of those. I got a text from him at lunch asking if we might go someplace after school for a refreshing treat, seeing as it was “soooooo hot.”
Looking at my schedule, I realized that I’d have to leave directly after bringing him home from school if I was to make it to my Pilates class. Then I thought about it…how it wouldn’t be that much longer before my son will be grown, and I won’t get these cherished opportunities. So I texted him back that sure, I’d love to.
I picked him up a few hours later and we got some Greek wraps and headed over to a quaint sitting area in the center of our downtown area, complete with shady trees and a rambling artistic water fountain. There we pulled up some chairs and let the rest of the world pass us by, each person intent on wherever it was they needed to be. Meanwhile, my son and I were exactly where we needed to be—enjoying quality together time.

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