Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In my writing critique group meeting earlier this evening, a topic came up, which fascinated me. Not because of the topic per say, but more due to its implications. We talked about how there is little to no competition between writers.

On the surface, that may not seem nearly as profound a statement as it is. But let’s dig a little deeper. If you take a moment to think of all the professions available, can you come up with another where not only does little competitiveness between individuals exist, but by and far, those same individuals sincerely support one another, wanting to see each other not only succeed, but excel?

Go ahead and think on it for a moment or two. I’ll wait….

When this topic was first raised at tonight’s meeting, I questioned it, thinking that there would be natural competitiveness between writers…at least the more successful ones. After all, that seems to be the norm for all other professions. But then our facilitator pointed out how authors, famous or not, sincerely reach out to help one another. How they make themselves accessible to their fan base. How they give of themselves in the form of doing public speeches to inspire other writers. How they take the time to personally respond to those who reach out to them.

Listening to what was said, I had to admit that I’d never personally come across or heard of one author being anything but supportive of another. And in that dawning moment, I became a bit proud, proud to be amongst such a large base of individuals who have things figured out on a deeper level than many. I’ve got to admit that it feels pretty cool to be amongst so many who have mastered the art of self-control enough to do the right thing and reach out to others so that they, too, might succeed.

Yeah, this topic definitely struck a chord in me…one I’ll continue to ponder on a deeper level.

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