Saturday, March 12, 2011

I’m at a loss of what to write about today. I mean, its’ not every day that follows a tsunami warning here along the west coast, us having dodged that bullet. And yet, when I watch the news, which has been running consistently in my house today, I feel almost guilty to be glad that we were spared while so many weren’t.

And then there’s the whole nuclear meltdown potential. Depending on whom you listen to, there either is or isn’t a threat of such. But hearing that officials have been steadily pumping in ocean water to cool the reactors does raise the anxiety level.

Couple all of that with the reality that there are still aftershocks occurring in Japan, some of which could create another tsunami.

I suppose it’s never a dull day in the world we live. We’ve just settled down from the upheaval in Egypt, and then all of this happened…well…is continuing to unfold. I wonder for how long? How many more lives will be lost? How many more disasters will be the result? And lawd, I pray that a nuclear meltdown isn’t amongst them. Not that folks are truly ever prepared for any disaster, but that—a nuclear meltdown…no, I can’t even imagine. Don’t want to let my mind ponder the possibilities.

It is my truest hope that whatever catalyst set these events in motion will soon right itself, restoring order to the chaos that surrounds so many—my heart going out to each and every one of them.

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