Friday, July 22, 2011

A friend and I were talking about traveling and having to live out of suitcases—the problems that can create.  These days, travel for many in business is inevitable.  For others, the joys of travel still lure them and make them willing to tolerate living out of luggage.
This process seems simple enough…until one is pushed to do so on a tight time line.  There’s always the risk of leaving something of value behind.  Of having something taken from one’s luggage while it’s out of one’s sight.  And then there’s the whole individual techniques each of us has developed for mitigating these problems. 
If I’m at a hotel, my luggage always stays in the closet.  Some things I hang, but never place items in the dresser drawers, afraid I’ll forget something when I leave.  Dirty clothing I place in a super-sized, white, drawstring laundry bag that I can plainly see on the floor of the closet.  I developed the later technique after getting frustrated over how many items seemed to get lost and left behind on the floor of a hotel’s closet no matter how carefully I looked before checking out. 
My friend was marveling at how I manage to keep the contents of my suitcase from exploding all over the place once I arrive at a locale.  I explained that I routinely sweep items back towards my luggage so as to contain the spill—again, not wanting to lose anything.  Also, there’s nothing worse than being in an unfamiliar locale, it being pitch black in the middle of the night and then tripping over strewn items on the way to the restroom.
Yes, traveling can be fun.  In fact, most times, I thoroughly enjoy myself.  But I must admit, it does require extra effort and planning to ensure that one comes home with all they left with and doesn’t end up tripping all over it while away.

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