Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today’s been one of those days spent getting caught up.  Seems like I have one of those every few days or so. Not that I don’t plug along and get things done as needed.  I do.  It’s just that there are times I deem catch-up days where I end up sprinkling in a little of this and that, ticking backlogged items off my to-do list. 
Haven’t figured out a pattern as to why this is necessary.  Items piling up don’t seem to have any correlation as to whether I’m busier or not as swamped.  It just sort of…happens.  So, instead of getting upset, I put my nose down and get things done, one item at a time until I have crossed all the items off my list that need to be addressed. 
Not so many years back, it would have thrown me into a start of chaos if I had carry- over items on my list and I’d fallen behind.  But, I suppose life and circumstances have taught me the errors of that wasted stress, enlightening me to a better way.  Now I adopt an easy-going attitude, one where I get the items done, as I would have in the past.   The only difference is, now I no longer get stressed out about the need to have catch-up days.  And for that, I’m grateful.

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