Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yesterday, I blogged about a difficult situation I found myself in, one where I had a tough choice to make.  I was left having to decide whether or not to step in and help another, which would have left me feeling completely used, or to walk away.
After sleeping on it overnight, I made my decision this morning and contacted the necessary individuals to let them know that I was going to have to take a pass on helping.  Both were very understanding. 
The minute I let them know I wasn’t going to help, I felt a ton better.  Like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder.  Even though I’d pretty much come to my decision last night, I wanted to give myself some extra time before making it final. 
I’m grateful that everyone’s okay with my decision.  Thankfully, there are no hard feelings.  Sometimes, I’m faced with hard choices like the one I just had to make.  I’ve learned that the best course of action is to tackle these problems head-on instead of avoiding them or hoping they’ll go away.  I’m beyond thankful that this is behind me and that I can now move on!

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