Saturday, July 23, 2011

Never in my life, can I recall a time when every single major freeway in southern California was being improved simultaneously.  To many, this may not seem such a big deal.  But to those of us stuck her trying our best to navigate the already clogged freeway veins and arteries, it’s a nightmare. 
Those of us who live here have learned to tolerate traffic.  It hits with frequency and at specific times of the day and night.  We’re used to that.  Have adjusted.  But to then have Cal Trans span out that congestion to all hours of the day and night, every single day of the week, can and is getting tedious. 
In all fairness to the organizers of the freeway improvement construction crews, they are doing a lovely job of mitigating the impact their work has on regular traffic.  They wait to shut down freeways, off ramps, on ramps, and multiple lanes until after rush hour traffic has subsided—mostly.  But…by beginning those closures as soon as the traffic would normally ease up, they have managed to create a situation where one can and does encounter near rush-hour traffic conditions on every single major southern Californian freeway 24/7.
I’m trying to be patient.  Understand that the repairs being made on the freeways are necessary and will much improve the quality of the roads we navigate daily.  But in the meantime, I find myself tired.  Tired of not being able to find alternate routes to avoid traffic, since all those pathways are impacted by freeway improvement closures as well.
I’m aware that my blogging about this won’t improve anything.  Nor will it solve any problems.  But I must say, expressing myself is liberating, and I feel there are others out there who can relate to my dilemma. 

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