Tuesday, July 13, 2011

I spend a lot of time here blogging about finding one’s self, identifying one’s dreams and taking charge of one’s life.  I do this as a result of thoughts and sensibilities that I adopt, the ones that seem to make the most sense, to me.  That doesn’t mean they’re right.  Or wrong.  Or that mine will or could apply to others….  It’s just, these are the things that pop into my brain and knock around a bit, colliding with this and that until they either take root or get tossed out.
I spend an inordinate amount of time observing others and sorting through the thoughts that bang around in my head.  By doing both, I hope I’m learning valuable lessons along the way.  Least, it seems like I am.  Of course, as some of you have pointed out, many of the concepts that I conjure up about how to better one’s life are great in theory but can prove quite challenging to put into action. 
I don’t dispute that bettering one’s self is hard.  That effort, determination and patience is required on levels many haven’t considered before.  But I also know the rewards make the effort all worthwhile.  Even when we get bumped and scraped along the way, just knowing that we gave it our best shot amounts to a whole lot of gained inner good feelings.

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