Thursday, July 22, 2011

I adore it when folks are willing to venture outside their comfort zones and try new things.  This is one of the things I like to encourage most.  I know it’s not easy for most to do this, so I applaud their efforts with the greatest effort. 
Sometimes, it may take an inordinate amount of time for the individual to work up enough courage to admit they want to try something new.  Other times, it may take quite a bit longer for them to act upon it. 
Ultimately, when someone’s faced with embarking on a new venture, I’m beyond patient.  I believe that by doing this and not rushing them, I manage to convey just how proud I am of their ability to step outside that with which they normally feel at ease. 
Not wanting to scare them off, I’m hesitant to come right out and make a big deal—at the time—of their endeavor.  Instead, I allow them whatever time is necessary to grow into some form of comfort with what they’re setting out to accomplish. 
I did this with a woman today—granted her time and space needed to see her new goal come to fruition.  By the end, she was thoroughly pleased with her success.  And I couldn’t have been more pleased for her.  She did struggle along the course to that success, but was put at ease by others and myself. 
After all was said and done, the woman sheepishly came to me and apologized for having taken so long to reach her goal.  I smiled at her and couldn’t help but chuckle as I told her there was no need for her to apologize.  That I couldn’t be more tickled that she found not only success but also fulfillment in her quest.

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