Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!
As I lay on my picnic blanket, gazing up at the fireworks show earlier this evening, many thoughts paraded through my mind.  I reflected on all my blessings.  Felt more like Thanksgiving rather than celebrating the 4th of July. 
I thought of all the many friends I have.  How amazing they are.  How rich they make my life.  My phone’s been buzzing non-stop for the past couple of weeks with messages from many of those friends, who wanted to share with me and ensure that I was doing okay.
My mind drifted to my father’s funeral this past Friday.  How it had been somber.  How the military honoring of him would have put the biggest smile on his face.  Just then, a firework exploded in the sky—a giant happy face.  It was positioned as if meant for planes flying overhead to get its full benefit rather than those of us on the ground.  That made me smile, for I thought how my father had served our country as a special ops flyer in the air force.  It was almost like that smiley face firework was meant to honor him…or so I’d like to think.
Mine has been a great holiday weekend.  One I know I’ll always cherish and whose meaning was far more profound than in years past.  I hope that others had an equally celebratory and enjoyable holiday weekend.

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