Sunday, July 10, 2011

This has been an extremely busy workweek for me.  So much so, that I’ve barely been home.  When I have been, I’ve missed seeing my granddaughter each and every time.  Either she’s sleeping or gone, as her mommy is working. 
This evening was the first time in an entire week when my granddaughter and I caught sight of one another.   I’d gone for a run.  Upon my return, I had to ring the doorbell to be let back in the house.  My daughter, who’d been gone earlier to pick up my granddaughter, came to let me in, Makaila in her arms. 
My daughter let me in and then turned to walk away.  But Kai, having locked eyes with me, was going to have none of that.  She twisted and turned in her mommy’s arms, nearly breaking free, so she could keep her eyes locked on me.  On her face was the biggest grin. 
Flashing her two bottom teeth and the tips of two of her top ones, Kai made it quite clear that she wanted me to pick her up.  I came to her, my smile matching hers—so happy to finally get to see her.  She leaned out, hoping I’d take hold of her.  And when she did, she gave me a biggest smile. 
Since the day Kai was born, I’ve taught her that if she locked eyes with me, I’d always be there for her.  To pick her up or do whatever she needed.  Tonight was no exception.  Though I was drenched in sweat from having just run a six-mile mountain trail in near one hundred-degree heat, I let Kai bond with me.  The moment she got to touch me, her smile exploded into one of the most radiant ones I’ve ever seen.  With that smile, my heart melted as it overflowed with love for my granddaughter. 
There are few things in this world that can touch a person’s soul in such a complete and sincere manner.  The pure smile of a child is top on that list. 

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