Saturday, July 30, 2011

Yesterday, I began a blog about how there are things each of us has from our pasts that no natter how well we’ve dealt with or blessed and moved on from, somehow have a way of resurfacing when just the right situations arise.  My recent encounter with this was when I sustained a blow to my lower spine, not on but right alongside where my back was struck while I was a teen—the injury that almost left me paralyzed from the waist down.
Somehow, in that instant, I was transported through time and space, back to the exact moment of the accident, where I was free to feel all the emotional and physical pains of that fateful event to their fullest degree.  Back when the original accident occurred, I was so overwhelmed with trying to recover, that I didn’t allow myself the luxury to experience all the emotional pain that went with the event as well as the subsequent decades of pain and suffering.  But…with this most recent impact, all that came to the surface in the biggest way!
I found myself reliving what it felt like to be thrown off my bike, through the air and then slam my lower back into an unyielding rod of steel.  I recalled the desolation I endured when I fell to the ground, unable to move, and watched the driver of the vehicle who hit me, stop her car, open the car door, look at my immobile body and then close her door and drive away.  She never said a word to me, though I vividly remember the shrill screams of her passenger from just prior to impact to when her friend drove away. 
The driver’s act was heartless, cruel and irrational.  But she was young and scared.  Our local police department was flooded with calls of eyewitnesses.  The driver was apprehended and made to answer.  But none of that eased how she’d made me feel when our eyes locked and she looked at me like a piece of garbage, not worthy of the simplest comment before she drove away.
Check in tomorrow for the finale to this story….

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