Thursday, July 14, 2011

Here in Los Angeles, we’re gearing up for “Carmageddon”—the closure of the 405 freeway.  That will begin tomorrow during Friday rush hour traffic and last through Sunday.  This freeway is the most significant artery in southern California, so the prospect of it being shut down has sent many into a frenzy of intense worry. 
Many are hunkering down, determined not to leave their houses.  Others are planning major alternative routes to get from point A to point B.  All are talking about what this will be like.  If the media’s constant reporting of the coming of carmagedon will help create less havoc during the event. 
My entire life, this major freeway has never been closed.  In fact, I don’t know of anyone who could have conceived of this artery ever being closed. I find myself wondering if, just like when the 1984 Olympics were held in Los Angeles, if the media’s warning of everyone ahead of time will offset what could be a major traffic nightmare.
Either way, whether this freeway closure turns out to be a disaster or somewhat manageable, one thing is sure.  As of 7:00 PM tomorrow evening, Los Angeles and all surrounding areas will never again take the 405 freeway for granted.

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