Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Helping one another out.  That’s one of the things I like to do most.  Not that I set myself up to be used or treated as anyone’s doormat.  Used to adopt that role until I wised up.  Now, if a person is worthy, I’ll go out on a limb to offer a helping hand.  And…the best part is, the friends I’ve surrounded myself with do the same. 
I don’t mind helping others, especially when I know they’re doing their best and are a bit overwhelmed.  Frankly, we’ve all been there done that.  So I can relate and like to help out where I can.
I did a lot of that today.  There’s a woman I work for who is a bit overwhelmed with all she does.  As such, some of my friends and I were noticing that a few things were beginning to slip through the cracks.  Instead of getting upset or turning a blind eye, we took note of those items that needed additional attention and pointed out the necessary changes to the woman. 
Our suggestions weren’t viewed as being intrusive or judgmental, the woman realizing the intent behind our help.  All we wanted to do was make things easier for her.  So, noticing the gaps that needed to be tightened up, we set about making a concise list of corrections and forwarded them along.
I’m glad my friends and I were able to help.  That the woman was appreciative.  That we had the ability to see what was needed and act upon it.

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