Saturday, July 2, 2011

Though it seems a rather straightforward concept, the idea that we can’t make decisions for others so we shouldn’t let them make choices for us is anything but.  People come in a wide variety of personalities.  Some are leaders.  Others are born followers. 
There’s nothing wrong with being a follower, in my opinion, so long as a person is aware of what and whom they are following.  Do they adopt the views and concepts of the one they’re following as ones they truly believe in, or are they blindly following along, unaware of all ramifications of their following?
If they’ve considered the consequences of their allowing others to make their choices for them, are they at peace with all that entails?  Sometimes, allowing others to make our decisions for us robs us of our power, individuality and ability to think for ourselves.  Other times, and in the right circumstances, it can build us up, empower us and strengthen our resolve. 
Knowing when and to whom to yield that power to would seem, then, to be the biggest hurdle.  Hand that control to the wrong individual(s) and it might mess you up.  If, however, the timing is right, you’ve carefully weighed all the options and come to the conclusion that this—giving up your decision-making power—is the right choice (for you), then things can and often do work out for the best.

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