Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good fortune takes many different forms.
This morning, a co-worker made my day when she offered to help me.  She didn’t need to, hadn’t been asked to and certainly wasn’t expected to, so her gesture came as a pleasant surprise.  Instead of brushing it off, I accepted her outstretched hand with great enthusiasm, appreciative of her caring enough to want to assist. 
She had been checking out a new website design I’m working on and had some useful suggestions on how to make it better.  Her thoughts were right on, so I eagerly applied them.  Then she offered to help me take some great photos to add to the website.  Again, I was touched by her interest and willingness to give of herself.
Not long after we finished taking those photos, another good fortune came my way—the chance to help two other friends who were in need.  Though the outdoor temperature soared and the space we occupied had an air conditioning unit that failed, we three set about our task with pure intent and light-hearted dispositions.
Determined to make the best of what could have been a miserable situation, we labored for hours in a hot warehouse that grew so warm inside, us sweating profusely in the process, that it actually took on a humid climate.
Armed with loads of water and a roll of paper towels that we used to mop our sweat when it became too intense for us to ignore, we set about completing out task.  Hour after hour rolled by, each of us growing more drained with the passing time and intense heat.  My hair, which I’d straightened this morning, resumed its spiral curls from my sweat.  Each of my friend’s hair took on the same appearance.  And yet, we continued on, laughing and encouraging one another through our plight. 
Though the heat drained us physically, it couldn’t dampen our enthusiastic natures.  It didn’t stand a chance, for we were determined to do what we’re good at—make the most of a situation.  The fact that we were able to share the experience together strengthened each of our resolves and made the situation more enjoyable.
So, though many would have viewed having to spend hours laboring away in sweltering conditions misfortune, we three embraced the time we were able to share with one another as good fortune.
One never knows what form good fortune will assume, and I believe that the only way to truly appreciate it is to keep an open mind.

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