Sunday, April 29, 2012

I’m curious how others handle coming in contact with individuals who are absolutely clueless that they talk too much, their voice volume is offensively loud and they’re annoying the living daylights out of everyone around them.  Me, I first take the polite approach to gently tone the person down.  If that doesn’t work, I resort to ignoring them.  And when that fails, my giggles begin.  Others might get annoyed and react, but by this point, I can’t help but find humor in how odd the situation is.  How an individual can be so utterly clueless, especially when each and every person around them has also tried to clue them in that their behavior is unappreciated.

So…how do you handle awkward situations like these?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

There are times when even I am surprised by the genuine goodness of another.  Especially those who have been shunned by others and yet are still willing to rise above and think the best of others.  Are these individuals perfect?  No.  Are they infallible?  No.  Do they sometimes act in an inappropriate manner?   Certainly!  They’re human.  But when it comes right down to it, these people are the first to offer you the shirt off their backs and go out of their way to help someone in need, whether they know the person or not.   

Maybe it has something to do with their having been dumped on by an unkind world.  Or perhaps it’s just who they are at their core.  Whatever the reason, these are the people I tend to gravitate towards the most.  They’re not always the most popular.  And that’s fine with me.  But they are the ones I know I can count on to place a smile on my heart when all it wants to do is break. 

To these treasured few, I am indebted more than I could ever express.  And for their kindness, generosity and acceptance, I am deeply appreciative.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Ever read a book or watched a movie where the characters said one thing, yet their contrasting inner thoughts were revealed?  Here’s an example.  The main character told someone they’re a great person when what they really thought was that they couldn’t stand the person.  Now imagine this.  What would happen if others were made privy to those inner thoughts?  I’ll tell you.  Total chaos would ensue!  Or would it…?

Perhaps, if we knew others could hear our actual thoughts, folks would be kinder with their thoughts towards others instead of having behind-the-scenes nasty notions that bred but contempt and allowed negativity to fester like an infected wound.  In addition, if folks weren’t able to house “private” thoughts, then all their actions would be revealed, making it improbable that they’d be able to cheat on loved ones, lie to others or pull off other unscrupulous acts.

Hmmm…just imagine what an interesting world that would be….

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I’m writing this while 35,000 feet up in the air.  One of the things I enjoy most about traveling is getting to observe all kinds of folks, doing their thing, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I’m taking it all in.  In my experience, I’ve found that those who travel mirror many of the same odd behaviors they do in their everyday lives, yet somehow, the very act of traveling seems to amplify whatever characteristics they may have. 

For example, there are the sloths.  They’re the individuals who feel no need to hurry along, despite the fact that travel-related circumstances dictate they should.  Case in point, those boarding an airplane who take their ever sweet loving time walking down the aisle, using it as if it’s their very own stage to be highlighted upon as they s-l-o-w-l-y make their way to their seats only to stall out a few rows before or after, trying to figure a way to stuff their over-sized carry-on bag into the overhead bin.  Everyone knows there’s no way it’s gonna fit.  But try they do till finally a flight attendant has to come along and tell them the bag will have to be checked.

Then there are the individuals who sit several rows ahead of you on a plane, train or bus, earphones blocking out the real world, as they bob their head in time to the beat of the music that drones into their eager ears.  From behind, it’s amusing to watch these living bobble heads.  Every time I come across one, I wonder how they manage to bobble away for hours at a time, their necks never seeming to get weary of the constant motion.
These are just a couple of types of individuals I’ve come across thus far this trip.  No doubt, there will be more—there always are.  LOL.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The past couple of days, I’ve blogged about subjects that could be perceived as downers.  Or that they’ve had a negative slant.  Not my intent.  What I hoped to do was bring awareness to things I’ve observed and wondered if others felt the same and have been able to see the somewhat obscure silver lining of these subjects. 

I strive to maintain this blog as a positive-based forum where what is discussed is uplifting, oft thought-provoking and covers a wide spectrum of subjects.  This goal isn’t always easy to achieve.  Like everyone else, I’m human and sometimes don’t make myself clearly understood.  Other times, there are subjects I’d like to blog about but due to the negativity surrounding them, steer clear of.  And then there are times when I dance that delicate line between maintaining a positive-based blog and touching on elements of life that might not always fall under the uplifting category, such has been the case with my past couple of blogs.

Things that, at first glance, might appear to be downers often have a flip side.  Though that mirrored image might be harder to find, if scrutinized, I’ve found that most topics have some positive element attached.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whatever happened to folks saying what they mean and doing what they say?  Somewhere along the line, that seems to have gone out of fashion.  Nowadays, people seem more intent on getting what they can, putting in minimal effort, and many have adopted a mentality that they’re entitled to things rather than taking pride in earning them.

Used to be that when a person told you something, you could believe in them—their word.  Back then, folks prided themselves on maintaining honorable reputations where their word meant something concrete that others could bank on instead of what many have turned it into these days—merely words they think the other wants to hear in the moment.

Lip service…I’m not a fan.  To me, a person shouldn’t say they believe in or commit to do something unless they have every intention of following through.  To do otherwise, in my opinion, is equivalent to lying.  Yes, there are extenuating circumstances that arise, making it impossible for folks to sometimes make good on their intended commitments.  These are not the cases to which I refer, for they are outside everyone’s control. 

What I can’t abide by are those who spout off words, as if they have no meaning, weight or value, simply because they think it’s what those listening want to hear.  Shouldn’t make a bit of difference if a person wants to hear something or not.  If it’s necessary for them to be made privy, then that must be done.  Likewise, telling others that you maintain certain beliefs when, in fact, you can’t tolerate them is being dishonest, not only with yourself but with others.

Perhaps it’s that folks don’t take the time to think things through.  In the rush rush world in which we live, many act before considering full consequences.  So, perhaps that’s the reason things have changed.  Course, that’s no excuse.  I maintain that a person is only as good as their word.  By this, I mean I carefully scrutinize a person’s actions to see if they are in sync with what they’ve told me.  If so, I afford the person my trust and respect.  If not, however, I make it a point to keep my guard up with those individuals.

Whether it’s out of vogue or not, I will always subscribe to the mentality that folks should say what they mean and do what they say.