Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whatever happened to folks saying what they mean and doing what they say?  Somewhere along the line, that seems to have gone out of fashion.  Nowadays, people seem more intent on getting what they can, putting in minimal effort, and many have adopted a mentality that they’re entitled to things rather than taking pride in earning them.

Used to be that when a person told you something, you could believe in them—their word.  Back then, folks prided themselves on maintaining honorable reputations where their word meant something concrete that others could bank on instead of what many have turned it into these days—merely words they think the other wants to hear in the moment.

Lip service…I’m not a fan.  To me, a person shouldn’t say they believe in or commit to do something unless they have every intention of following through.  To do otherwise, in my opinion, is equivalent to lying.  Yes, there are extenuating circumstances that arise, making it impossible for folks to sometimes make good on their intended commitments.  These are not the cases to which I refer, for they are outside everyone’s control. 

What I can’t abide by are those who spout off words, as if they have no meaning, weight or value, simply because they think it’s what those listening want to hear.  Shouldn’t make a bit of difference if a person wants to hear something or not.  If it’s necessary for them to be made privy, then that must be done.  Likewise, telling others that you maintain certain beliefs when, in fact, you can’t tolerate them is being dishonest, not only with yourself but with others.

Perhaps it’s that folks don’t take the time to think things through.  In the rush rush world in which we live, many act before considering full consequences.  So, perhaps that’s the reason things have changed.  Course, that’s no excuse.  I maintain that a person is only as good as their word.  By this, I mean I carefully scrutinize a person’s actions to see if they are in sync with what they’ve told me.  If so, I afford the person my trust and respect.  If not, however, I make it a point to keep my guard up with those individuals.

Whether it’s out of vogue or not, I will always subscribe to the mentality that folks should say what they mean and do what they say.

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