Saturday, April 28, 2012

There are times when even I am surprised by the genuine goodness of another.  Especially those who have been shunned by others and yet are still willing to rise above and think the best of others.  Are these individuals perfect?  No.  Are they infallible?  No.  Do they sometimes act in an inappropriate manner?   Certainly!  They’re human.  But when it comes right down to it, these people are the first to offer you the shirt off their backs and go out of their way to help someone in need, whether they know the person or not.   

Maybe it has something to do with their having been dumped on by an unkind world.  Or perhaps it’s just who they are at their core.  Whatever the reason, these are the people I tend to gravitate towards the most.  They’re not always the most popular.  And that’s fine with me.  But they are the ones I know I can count on to place a smile on my heart when all it wants to do is break. 

To these treasured few, I am indebted more than I could ever express.  And for their kindness, generosity and acceptance, I am deeply appreciative.

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