Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Right now, it seems like everyone I know is struggling in one form or another.  Whether it be financial, relational or health-wise matters not.  The same effect is had on all—the constant pressure is exhausting.

Some can’t sleep.  Others lose their appetites.  Still more end up getting sick.  The thing that helps mitigate these tougher times is to connect with one another.  Doing so helps keep things in perspective and allows individuals the energy to continue on.  And that—continuing on—makes a positive difference.  Allowing one’s self to be engulfed in despair is crippling, while continuing to put one foot in front of the other, initiating forward momentum, gets a person closer to resolution and creates more distance from that which is troubling them.

Numerous times each day, I’m contacted by and reach out to those I know who are having a tough time.  Some apologize for “laying their troubles on me.”  But I don’t consider it a burden.  Like I tell them, I’d rather be there for them…really be there for them than to discover later that I could’ve helped, if only to provide a compassionate ear, than to have stood off to the side doing nothing.  Why?  Because I know that by showing my acceptance and compassion I provide individuals with the energy necessary to keep moving forward…just as they do for me when I’m having a tough time.

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