Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yesterday found me at our local library where I got to treat myself to searching through used books a private groups sells to raise additional funds that enable our county library to remain open longer hours and more days per week.  Whenever I get the opportunity, I love supporting this great cause.  When I do, I get exposed to authors I might not otherwise read and at 50 cents per paperbacks, a dollar for trade books and a mere two dollars for all hardbacks, it’s a heck of a deal! 

Before this group began selling donated books for this cause, our country library was closed three days a week and only open four hours per day.  During those years, I wondered how the heck folks managed to get their kids into the library to expose them to the wealth of knowledge enclosed within.  Since this program went into effect, 100% of all money collected goes directly into keeping the library open more often. 

The program has been such a smashing success, that the library is now open from 10:00AM-8:00PM Monday through Friday and is also open on Saturdays!  What a far cry from the days when parents had only a half hour to rush their little darlings from school to the library before they would close…and that was on the few days per week when they were open. 

Most of the county libraries I visit now have similar programs—a true testament that folks want their libraries to remain open and available for current and future generations to benefit from the wealth of knowledge contained within.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A dear writer friend sent me this link earlier today.  Watching it, I was torn between being stunned and cracking up.  Since my viewing, I’ve shared it with several others, whose reactions matched my own.   As such, I figured it was worthy of passing on to all of you. 
Please click on the following link, sit back and get prepared for some fun.

Hope you enjoy….  : -)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.  Leave the rest to love!
Really, does it get any simpler than that?

I was at the orthodontist office early this morning when one of the office clerks, having a moment to come up for air, smiled at those of us in the waiting area and said, “Gooooooooood morning people!” as if duplicating the line: gooooooood morning Viet Namm.  Though this woman’s usually an enthusiastic person whose happiness bubbles out to those around her, today she seemed…different…more happy.

When my son was finished having his braces adjusted, I stepped to the counter to make a new appointment.  The same bubbly woman asked how I was.  I told her I was great, then asked about her.  She told me she was awesome.  That piqued my curiosity, so I asked, “What’s got you so happy today?”

The woman shared how her boyfriend came home for a twenty-day leave from the military last night.  Smiling, I agreed that was something to make it an awesome day.  I studied the woman for a moment or two, her unbridled joy radiating from every pore.  The thoughts: live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and leave the rest to love came to mind.  I again smiled at the woman and told her I hoped she and her boyfriend had a lovely time together

Monday, May 28, 2012

One of my favorite things is to go on adventures.  And…to have them turn into ones with added bonuses…over-the-top fun, fun, fun!  Some of my best adventures are the ones where I explore swap meets, thrift stores or garage sales, never quite knowing what to expect or what treasures I may find.  But one thing I do know is that these activities bring out a giddy little girl enthusiasm where my eyes sparkle with delight and I feel as bouncy and energized as Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.

Yesterday, I got to partake of my thrift store adventure fun.  It all began with my accompanying a friend to go and pick up a vacuum cleaner.  That went well and fine.  My friend now the proud owner of a lovely Dyson vacuum cleaner that works perfectly and fulfills their needs. 

Later in the day, some friends and I decided to track down a different thrift store I’d heard hosted a wealth of all sorts of treasures.  Going into the store, I wasn’t too impressed with the smaller size of the store, though there were lots of fun items to behold.  My friends and I had a great time sifting through things, many of which took us on jogs down memory lane.

When I go on thrift store adventures, it’s not like I enter with a concrete list of items I’m seeking.  Instead, I know of things that would be nice and leave my mind open and eyes free to wander the shelves to see what trinkets might jump out at me.  Several did so with yesterday’s explorations.

One of my friends had been wanting Pyrex measuring cups of one, two and also four-cup capacities.  Those are super rare finds at thrift stores, which makes them fun items to be on a quest for, since looking for them makes ones eyes scan the shelves with extra scrutiny. 

I was beyond thrilled when I found a four-cup Pyrex measurer.  It in hand, I bounded over to my friend with the same enthusiasm Tigger would have.  My friend was as excited as I was.  Going back to where I’d let off searching aisles, a few minutes later, I couldn’t believe my eyes when a one and then two-cup Pyrex measurers popped into view. 

A life-long thrift store shopper, I knew better than to walk away from them to go fetch my friend, so I snatched up the items and again bounded over to the friend, a wide grin of victory on my face.  This time my friend was floored at our good luck and my eagle eyes at spotting hard-to-see items on the shelf that have a tendency to blend in.

Just prior to mounting the stairs to enter the store when we arrived, I’d noticed a shipment of donated items that staff members were sifting through.  One of those had been a brand-new area rug that was still on its original heavy cardboard tube.  I’d made a mental note to ask about it once inside the store.  And that I did.  I was told that the items I’d seen had been donated but wouldn’t be sold.  Disappointed, I was surprised a moment later when the employee informed me that since the items had been donated, but weren’t ones they thought they could sell, there not being enough room in the store, that the items were up for grabs by anyone after the store closed.  I was stunned and my eyes twirled with unbridled enthusiasm of yet another adventure about to unfold. 

Not long after, my friends and I made our purchases and then left the store just prior to it closing.  We placed our items in our car and then went to take a look at the rug I’d seen earlier.  Much to our delight, there was an unprecedented crop of items that were to be tossed out.  We couldn’t figure any reason why the items were being tossed by the thrift store but were grateful that the manager had let us know of their existence and availability for the taking. 

Others people showed up by the pile of items, undoubtedly aware of how the thrift store discarded things every night.  I ended up getting the rug, fascinated with my catch.  Another of my friends scored on a lovely Lane Bryant cedar hope chest.  And then there was the surplus of perfectly good Pyrex, assorted, nesting bowls and also baking dishes that still more of my friends loaded up on to stock their kitchens.

Earlier in the day, I’d come across an adorable stuffed zebra that looked brand new.  Since I’m a huge fan of zebras, and it was less than a dollar, I got it.  My friends and I came up with the name Lucky, since I’d found the zebra while with my friend who purchased the vacuum.  By the end of the night, all of us were rubbing Lucky’s head as if he was the most incredible lucky rabbit’s foot, still unable to believe our good fortune with the to-be-discarded items outside our last thrift store stop of the night.

One just never knows what treasures they may find.  And oft, they’re plopped right in our laps…if only we’re willing to have an open mind to the possibilities.  Course, I still think Lucky the zebra may have had something to do with all our good luck….  : -)

Sunday, May 28, 2012

Talking with a friend the other day, we discussed how there are those individuals whom you can be around seemingly—forever—never tiring of them.  There are folks whom you can spend endless time with, never feeling the pressure to maintain a steady flow of communication.  Just being with them is enough and is calming and fulfilling.  Then there are those individuals whom you need to limit how much time you’re with, for if you don’t they can get on your nerves.  Not that you don’t enjoy time spent together.  You do.  It’s just that it needs to be taken in smaller doses.

I found it ironic a couple of months back when my oldest daughter made a comment, unaware of reality, that she thought all my friends were cut from the same cloth, meaning they all were writers and that we were brought together due to things writers have in common.  I smiled when I told her that yes, I do have a number of writer friends, but that I have a wide spectrum of friends, each oh, so very unique from the other.  All compliment various aspects of my personality.  And all are interesting in the wide breadth of careers, hobbies and specialties they have adopted.

The conversation with my friend and the one with my daughter helped remind me of how fortunate I am to be surrounded by a wide base of individuals who are my friends, for through them and our interactions together, I’m a more complete individual, more fulfilled and certainly more open-minded than I would be otherwise.