Sunday, May 6, 2012

No quite the weekend I’d envisioned…. 

Tuesday, I returned home from the east coast.  Things went fairly well with that except for during my absence, one of my dog’s collars, complete with all her ID tags, completely vanished.  So Wednesday was spent getting replacements so should she get out, folks would know whom to contact and that she was licensed.  Then came Thursday….

I awoke to a note on my office desk that one of the water heaters had sprung a leak. 

Oh, joy!

Apparently, the one who originally discovered the problem decided it wasn’t important enough to do anything about, instead heading out to do their own thing.  That allowed hours to transpire before I found the note.  By that time, I was unable to get a plumber to fix the problem, even on an emergency basis.  Seems lots of other folks were having similar plumbing woes. 

The soonest I could get a repairman out was the next morning.  So, I babysat the water heater, trying repeatedly to discern just where the leak was coming from but to no avail.  Instead, I ended up using towels to mop up and contain the slow river of water that leaked out of our two water tanks, which are connected to one another.  

Wasn’t a horrible problem, just a nuisance.

I last checked on the water heater situation before turning in to go to bed around midnight.  The towels I had in place to contain the water were getting super wet, so, once again, I replaced them with fresh dry ones and headed off to get some sleep.

I awoke at 7:00 the next morning, Friday, and headed to the coffee pot.  From there, I went to the walk-in pantry still groggy, my mind and eyes not quite focusing on the day yet.  But that all changed as soon as I opened the door to the pantry….

What greeted me within was a room-sized shower, complete with spraying water, a waterfall of water cascading down the shelves on one side, a flooded floor, and all this with water that was 110 degrees, making it impossible for me to walk into the mess barefoot.  Not believing what I was seeing, I rubbed my eyes and tried to refocus, hoping that what was before me was some optical illusion.  It wasn’t. 

From somewhere that I couldn’t discern, came a hissing spray of water that I rightly assumed originated from the water heater leak.  I turned from the pantry and ran to get a stepladder and pair of shoes.   Retuning to the pantry, I sloshed my way through, still unable to find the source of the leak.

I left the pantry and headed to the other side of the wall, the garage, where the water heaters were.  The floor in the garage was flooded but I still couldn’t find where the water was coming from.


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