Friday, May 18, 2012

I was talking with a friend a few days back.  They’re not that much older than I am.  It surprised me when this friend commented that if they died tomorrow, they’d be content with that eventuality.  That they’d done all the things they’d hoped to.  That got me to wondering….

I was happy for my friend.  That life had provided a means for them to fulfill their wants, needs and desires.  But then I took a look at my own life.  Would I be content to die tomorrow?  Heck no! 

Though I’ve been blessed with the ability to do many things in my life and have had the intestinal fortitude to overcome challenging obstacles put in my path, there’s just so much more I haven’t done.  Want to do.  Need to accomplish.  Not sure I’ll ever feel content with the idea that I’m about to die.  At peace with the idea…perhaps.  But content, no. 

My goal is to keep doing, exploring and exposing myself to new thoughts, concepts, situations and adventures till the very moment I die.  If I succeed and fall short of accomplishing my very last endeavor, I’ll be okay with that, knowing that I tried to make the most of my life while I had the time. 

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