Friday, May 4, 2012

Read a sign yesterday and couldn’t agree more with the sentiment contained on it—do something every day that makes you smile.  This seems so simple.  So common knowledge.  And yet, it’s amazing how few act upon it.  There are times when the day begins to wind down that I realize I haven’t done a single thing to make myself smile.


How is it there are times when we get so bogged down with everyday mundane responsibilities as to overlook the need we have to smile?  Doesn’t seem right.  And honestly, we’d manage to get a lot more accomplished and feel better in the process if we’d just take a moment or two to treat ourselves.  Doesn’t have to be anything big or elaborate.  Just a little something, an inside joke, a funny thought, whatever, to make us smile, lightening our load in the process.

Ever notice how once you smile or laugh, things take on a different appearance?  How events that may have seemed a challenge are now merely a task to do?  How a bad day can be turned around into something manageable and even pleasant if only we remember to make ourselves smile?  That’s why the saying on that sign struck such a chord in me.  I, for one, intend to follow it’s prompting.  : -)

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