Tuesday, May 22, 2012

There’s something magical about watching a person’s personality take form right before your eyes.  Over the past twenty-one months, I’ve had the privilege of being able to do that with my granddaughter, Kai.  What a spirited little girl!  Reminds me of her mother through and through.

It’s been amazing, as a grandparent, to be relaxed enough to watch the unfolding of my granddaughter’s development.  Didn’t really get to do that with my kids since there were four of them spaced close together.  Also, as the parent, I was responsible for all of my children’s needs.  But as a grandparent, I get to enjoy the fun parts without the added stresses that accompany being a parent.

As such, I get to chuckle when my granddaughter’s strong will shines through, me remembering similar sparks of independence from her mother when she was young.  It’s a treat to watch my daughter interact with Kai.  She displays such patience.  Not that she doesn’t lose her cool.  She does.  But my daughter’s ability to reason with my granddaughter is inspiring.  Through that consistent reasoning, I’ve had the benefit of watching my Kai grow into a self-assured little person who’s quite capable of making her own decisions thank you very much.


When the first dawning awareness of the impact Kai had on her universe began to set in, it was fun to watch the spark of understanding light her eyes.  I could almost hear the wheels of her brain turning at high speed when she began to connect cause and effect.

Now, it’s a real delight to watch my granddaughter pause in the middle of an act and think through how things will turn out, depending on what her next move might entail.  There are times, despite Kai knowing better, the stubborn side of her boldly charges forward, leading her down paths that might better be avoided.  Other times, she’ll change course of action for more positive outcomes.  But the biggest treat is to watch Kai’s sense of humor and glee at being alive blossom to their fullest.

Here’s an example.  Last night, my daughter had to interrupt my granddaughter and me playing to give her a bath.  But as soon as Kai’s bath was over, she wanted to rejoin me.  So, wrapped in nothing but the blue shark towel that transforms her head into that of a shark and drapes to wrap around the rest of her body, she came rushing into my office, a big grin on her face.  Her mom was right behind her, also smiling. 

On cue, my granddaughter, who believes the special shark towel transforms her into a monster, was asked by her mom to tell me what sound a monster made.  A devilish grin of delight lit my granddaughter’s face as she suspected what my response would be.  Then she let out a mighty roar.  Her mom and I giggled, and my granddaughter laughed so hard her eyes crinkled shut.  Then her mom asked Kai to show me what was under her towel.  The devilish grin reappeared, only bigger this time.  Then in true flasher form, my granddaughter whipped open her towel, revealing her nakedness.  We three laughed while my granddaughter, pleased with herself, streaked around my office, flashing and then covering herself with the shark towel. 

Not too many months back, Kai wouldn’t have had the ability to connect and predict what all our reactions would be to her simple gestures.  How she had the power to make us laugh at such small things.  But now she does and delights in using that new skill to its fullest, revealing in the process what a playful personality she has.

Like I said, there’s something magical about watching a person’s personality take form right before your eyes

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