Sunday, May 28, 2012

Talking with a friend the other day, we discussed how there are those individuals whom you can be around seemingly—forever—never tiring of them.  There are folks whom you can spend endless time with, never feeling the pressure to maintain a steady flow of communication.  Just being with them is enough and is calming and fulfilling.  Then there are those individuals whom you need to limit how much time you’re with, for if you don’t they can get on your nerves.  Not that you don’t enjoy time spent together.  You do.  It’s just that it needs to be taken in smaller doses.

I found it ironic a couple of months back when my oldest daughter made a comment, unaware of reality, that she thought all my friends were cut from the same cloth, meaning they all were writers and that we were brought together due to things writers have in common.  I smiled when I told her that yes, I do have a number of writer friends, but that I have a wide spectrum of friends, each oh, so very unique from the other.  All compliment various aspects of my personality.  And all are interesting in the wide breadth of careers, hobbies and specialties they have adopted.

The conversation with my friend and the one with my daughter helped remind me of how fortunate I am to be surrounded by a wide base of individuals who are my friends, for through them and our interactions together, I’m a more complete individual, more fulfilled and certainly more open-minded than I would be otherwise.

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