Thursday, May 24, 2012

There are those friends who tell you what you want to hear—a pretty lie.   Then there are those who tell you the straight up, undecorated truth in the bluntest manner and with little—or no—preamble.  Both serve a purpose.  (I write this with a twinkle in my eye.) 

Sometimes, if only for fleeting moments, I’ll turn to those friends whom I know will present the truth with a slant I’d prefer to receive.  Then, I know that weather or not I’m ready, I can count on my frank friends, whose candor always serves me, to bring me back to reality.  May not want to hear their version right then and there, but I do my darnedest to remember the intent with which it’s presented.  Doing so keeps me from getting upset and frees me to better accept things rather than the alternative.

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