Saturday, May 19, 2012

Being frugal….

I have always subscribed to this philosophy.  I come from a long line of individuals who, having had nothing and also having survived the Depression, managed to scratch and claw their way into being able to provide roofs over the heads of their loved ones, food on the table, books to read and an education.  For some, these tasks proved daunting and couldn’t be exacted on a daily or even weekly basis.  But they were determined so kept at it, their goals always in sight.

It comes as no surprise to me that I adopted many of these relatives ingrained beliefs on what’ important in life—really important.  One is that since we work so darned hard to earn our money, it makes sense to work as, if not harder, when spending it.  What does this mean?  Simple.  Why spend twice or three or sometimes even more for a product when a little shopping around reveals amazing deals?  Why toss out the leftover coffee in the pot?  There’s nothing wrong with it.  Why not simply reheat it the next day?  When seeking the items we need, not only is it fun but incredibly cost-efficient to find those items at thrift stores or for sale by individuals placing ads for them.  Where one has leftovers after eating out, why not have them boxed up and eat them the following day for lunch or a light dinner?

It never ceases to amaze me how exorbitantly wasteful many are.  Seems to be an almost disease with Americans—not all…but enough.  Some would argue that doing the things I’ve mentioned takes time—time they don’t have.  Hmmm…let’s take a closer look at that.  Does it take more or less time to reheat leftover coffee and food than it does to make new pots or cook entire meals?  It takes less. This provides an opportunity for the individual to not only save, but to also have a little down time—a valuable commodity in today’s hectic world.  And what about shopping around for those items we need at thrift stores, etc. instead of going online and clicking “buy”?  Again, with a little ingenuity, something my relatives were rich in, one can redirect these projects as outings that might replace sitting on the sofa and watching TV or playing endless rounds of video games, etc.

As mentioned above, I subscribe to the philosophy that since we work so darned hard to earn our money, it makes sense to work as, if not harder, when spending it.  Is this frugal?  You betcha!  And I for one and thrilled to call myself frugal!

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