Friday, September 2, 2011

It’s amazing how the connections we have with some span time, distance and seasons of our lives.  How with those, it matters not if we are together, on the same page or needing to explore our own avenues of personal growth.  What matters is that we know, to the depths of our soul, that the one we are connected to is the one who most captures our heart and soul.  That, though others may come and go into our line of vision, that one person is who we ultimately have our focus.

This isn’t to say that there aren’t moments when it appears that focus has shifted.  It hasn’t. 
I’m a person who believes in the potential, probability and possibility of one person growing to their highest level of self-awareness and accomplishment when they’re given the opportunity to spread their wings to soar. 

To some, those journeys may seemingly take the person away from the one they are connected to.  I don’t believe this is the case.  If anything, I believe just the opposite.  My opinion is that without the ability to spread one’s wings, that person becomes stagnant, lacking the means to bring anything new to the relationship.  When relationships fail to have new life breathed into them, they wither and ultimately die.

I appreciate when individuals can see clearly the “big picture,” identifying that it’s by setting one another free that they are ultimately most connected, their bond being woven stronger through the process.  These are the relationships that span time, distance and seasons of our lives, making them last into infinitum….

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