Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I’ve written before of folks who are multi-faceted.  How they manage to avoid fitting into any of society’s molds.  I appreciate those individuals and believe I’m one of them. 

One aspect that helps mold these individuals into the unique beings they are is that they’re not focused on impressing others or becoming what others might like them to be.  Instead, they are truer to themselves, listening to their inner promptings that bubble to the surface.

Another great attribute to those who walk in tune to their own inner drummer is that they are more able to mold and adjust themselves into better versions of themselves through interactions they have with others.  How do they accomplish this?  Simple.  Already accustomed to being different, they don’t take personal offense when suggestions for personal improvement are pointed out to them.

For me, there is no greater joy than to interact with a large host of individuals.  I adore the lessons I learn from them.  How I inspire them.  How they help me see the lesser aspects of my character that could use some improvement.  Though there are times when their criticism might strike a sensitive chord in me, I don’t let that demolish me or cause me to turn away from them.  Instead, I try to focus on the intent with which the individual pointed out their suggestion.  The positive note it held.  The hope and promise of allowing me to become a better me.

In return, I endeavor to provide the same for others.  Those with whom I am close are keenly aware of my level of dedication.  To some, this might seem intimidating.  But to those who are in my inner circle, they recognize it for what it is—the purest commitment to help maintain that unique multi-facetedness that makes an individual special.

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