Thursday, September 2, 2011

This morning, I flew, with my husband, to Las Vegas where I’ll be for the next week.  Here, I’m reconnecting with many friends, some of whom I haven’t seen for quite some time.  It feels good to catch up with everyone.  Find out what they’ve been up to.  Share what’s been going on with me. 

I’m surrounded by many of my writer friends here and while here will have a celebration for the success of my first two books released, Little Girl Lost and Dark Awakenings.

Most who know me personally, are aware of my love of cake with butter cream frosting that’s so sugary as to polish one’s teeth when eaten.  As such, one friend has arranged that the main attraction at the celebration will be a delicious cake. 


It’s cool when the ones we hold dear are observant enough to know our passions.  As mentioned, one of mine is my love of cake.  Just over a year ago, many of these same individuals, writers and I were in Florida where one friend surprised me with a cake to celebrate the release of my books. 

At that time, everything seemed so surreal with having been published, not only once, but also twice.  Since then, I’m just as excited about being a published author and get just a tingly all over when someone tells me that they couldn’t put down one of my books.  That they had to stay up all night reading it.  That they felt right there with the main character Sally as she struggled against Ax.  Not sure I’ll ever get used to hearing compliments like those and hope that they never lose their magic.  In the meantime, I’m looking forward to some delicious cake with gritty butter cream frosting sometime over the next few days….

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