Saturday, September 25, 2011

Hmmmnn…connecting with the outside world…that’s one of my biggest passions.  Actually, it’s more of a need than a passion, though I do enjoy connecting.  As I write this, I’m sitting in my hotel room—such a sterile environment.  Doesn’t matter how nice the hotel is, I’ve always felt that being locked indoors, windows shut, is sterile and disconnects me from the outside world.

I prefer to hear the hustle and bustle of my surroundings.  Not that I don’t appreciate the tranquility of nature’s sweet melodies.  The twittering of birds, the hoot of an owl, even the squeak of a rat or mouse outside are ways I stay connected with my surrounding environment. 
The silence of my hotel room was getting on my nerves.  The fact that I had the radio playing only served to create artificial background noise when what I craved was to hear the real world.  So, I paused to open the sliding glass door to my room.  The moment I did, I let out a content sigh as the rush of cars passing on the nearby freeway greeted me.  The drapes billowed in a refreshing breeze, so different from the recycled air in the room’s ventilation system. 

As I write this, I keep getting distracted as things outside that opened sliding glass door catch my attention.  The fluttering of tree leaves, equal to my line of vision due to which floor I’m on, call to me.  It’s as if they know I need to focus on something that I have absolutely no control over—nature…my surrounds…those things that are bigger than life…uncontrollable…the things that help to ground me as I realize my place in the universe.

It’s amazing how something as simple as getting up and opening a sliding glass door can put my soul at peace and bring me back to being…me.

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